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Pricing plan image


(Check Premium Listing Sample Here)

  • 10 listing submissions
  • 1 Year 6 Month Expiration
  • No Ads Display
  • Unlimited Scope of Client Contact
  • Any listing type (Category)
  • Displays Basic Information
  • General Service Summary
  • Displays Work Hours
  • Displays Tagline - Mantra
  • Facility Details
  • Image Gallery
  • Social Buttons
  • Academic Details
  • Reduced Search Priority
  • Featured listing
  • Enhanced Credibility - Resume Only
  • -
  • -
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Pricing plan image


(Check Advance Listing Sample Here)

  • 15 listing submissions
  • 2 Years Expiration
  • No Ads Display
  • Unlimited Scope of Client Contact
  • Any listing type (Category)
  • Displays Basic Information
  • General Service Summary
  • Displays Work Hours
  • Displays Tagline - Mantra
  • Facility Details
  • Image Gallery
  • Social Buttons
  • Academic Details
  • Higher Search Priority
  • Featured listing
  • Enhanced Credibility - Resume, License
  • Verified Badge
  • Direct Website Link
  • Mini Site Builder - Services
  • Video Upload - Introduction


Pricing plan image


(Check Basic Listing Sample Here)

  • 5 listing submissions
  • 1 Year Expiration
  • Ads Display
  • Limited Scope of Client Contact
  • Any listing type (Category)
  • Displays Basic Information
  • General Service Summary
  • Displays Work Hours
  • Displays Tagline - Mantra
  • Facility Details
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
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